Thursday, September 16, 2010

Is Water a Deathly Substance?

Some people do it for money, some do it to rehydrate and all need it, but can you have too much water? The answer is yes. In 2005, a woman played in a contest called "Hold your, Wee for a Wii" and drank some six liters of water within three hours. She won, of course not without consequences. She went home with a headache that proved to actually kill her. She was diagnosed with water intoxication. Her brain cells swelled up and started bursting because that was the only place left for he water to go. Many more people are diagnosed with and die from this every year more than you think.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


In our latest activities in class we have created fictional mock trials of organ donations. We read an article at home about whether convicted felons should get organ transplants or not. this article posed many different opinions on the subject throughout the entire class. The trials had many different community members of a town in a fictional place. Through this activity we learn it takes way more than one person to decide who receives an organ and who doesn't deserve it. These members in this fascist community consisted of doctors protesting the current system of organ transplants.