Sunday, January 23, 2011

Contemplating the Eradication of Mosquitos

Many may find themselves wondering if the world would truly be better off without the large population of disease spreading mosquitos. In a recent Biology assignment, my class and I have read an article, "A World Without Mosquitos" by Janet Fang which weighs the pros and cons of extirpating mosquitos from many different perspectives.

With over 3500 species of mosquitos defined, it is difficult to fathom exterminating every single one of them. There are actually some positive things that come of mosquitos and they contribute in many ways to the environment. One plus to mosquitos is their role in pollination of some plants. Another; Mosquitos spread deadly diseases which may kill good people, but they are much needed in population control of our vastly growing human population. 

I believe it is impossible to completely do away with every species of mosquitos due to the ridiculous amount of them. I am not one to say whether it would benefit the globe or not because I have not studied in depth the impact in erasing these creatures but if I had to say now, I would keep them because of the accelerating human population growth. The Mosquitos supply a natural way to balance our population.

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